Isle Royale 2005

We returned to Isle Royale this year, again diving aboard Rochet's Amarada. I don't have any underwater pictures but I did manage to get a few shots above ground.

We did the following dives on this trip:

  1. Cox
  2. America
  3. Emperor Stern
  4. Emperor Bow
  5. Congdon Bow
  6. America
  7. Chisolm Engines

We were able to sleep on land a couple of nights. One night in Duncan Bay, the other in Windigo. Waking up the next day in Windigo was courtesy of a cow moose feeding outside our little lean-to cabin.

Raw picutres are available via the link below. Be advised that these pictures are quite large and may take a while to download. I would suggest right clicking and then save themm to a file on your computer.

High Res Raw Pictures

Medium Res Raw Pictures

Low Res Raw Pictures

Dan Mack
Last modified: Tue Aug 30 10:10:38 CDT 2005